Mobile Deposit Customer FAQ
Mobile Deposit is a free service on your Anderson Brothers Bank Mobile App. This service will allow you to electronically deposit a check using your smartphone or other mobile device. To use the Mobile Deposit feature, you must be enrolled in Online Banking and have the ABB Mobile App installed on your mobile device. Make sure that you are using the most updated version of the ABB Mobile App. This document is not intended to replace the disclosures given to you when you signed up for this service.
Enrollment Requirements
To qualify for this service, you must meet ABB’s eligibility criteria, including but not limited to, the following:
1. Have an active Checking or Savings Account.
2. Account must be in good standing with no restrictions.
o New Accounts: Must meet Account Opening Requirements
o Existing Accounts: Limited NSF or Returned Items (no more than three in either category)
o You must have accepted the Terms and Conditions found in the ABB Mobile App
Check Eligibility
• Checks must be made payable to you or an owner of the account.
• Checks cannot be dated more than six (6) months prior to the date of deposit.
• Checks must be properly endorsed. Proper endorsement includes all of the following information:
o For mobile deposit only
o Your signature
o Your deposit account number
• Checks must be drawn on a financial institution located within the United States and payable in U.S. currency.
Checks NOT Accepted for Mobile Deposit
• Checks written by you from your account with ABB or another financial institution may not be accepted for Mobile Deposit.
• Checks that have been previously submitted for deposit in person or through a mobile deposit service with ABB or another financial institution will not be accepted for Mobile Deposit.
• Checks containing an obvious alteration to any fields on the check or otherwise not authorized by owner of account on which the check is drawn will not be accepted for Mobile Deposit.
• Checks that have been converted to a substitute check will not be accepted for Mobile Deposit.
• Checks that require authorization (e.g. ComChecks, Rapid Refund, etc.) will not be accepted for Mobile Deposit.
• Checks that are made payable to Joint owners (using the word “and”) will not be accepted for Mobile Deposit.
• Checks issued by US Treasury Department or State Government will not be accepted for Mobile Deposit.
Deposit Limits
We reserve the right to impose limits on the amount(s) and/or number of deposits that you can make using the mobile deposit service and to modify those limits from time to time. Current deposit limits are as follows:
• Maximum dollar amount per day is $2,500
• Maximum dollar amount per month is $10,000
• Maximum number of items per day is 5 (five)
• Maximum number of items is per month is 20 (twenty)
Availability of Deposit
Checks deposited by Mobile Deposit may not be available for immediate withdrawal. ABB reserves the right to delay the availability of funds from any deposit made using Mobile Deposit at any time in our sole discretion. This includes any concern we may have regarding our ability to collect the funds based upon any check image that you present.
Approved mobile check deposits will be processed on business days when ABB is open for business (Monday-Friday, excluding federal holidays). Deposits received and approved by 5:00 pm EST will be processed the same business day. Deposits received after 5:00 pm EST will be processed the next business day. Deposits are processed at the following intervals: 10:00 am, 12:00 pm, 3:00 pm and 5:00 pm
Revocation of Mobile Deposit
Accounts can be revoked from Mobile Deposit accessibility at any time, if the user violates the terms of the Mobile Deposit Agreement; including, but not limited to:
• Suspicion of Fraud
• Multiple Returned Checks (chargebacks)
• Duplicate Items
• Not following check eligibility requirements
• Accounts owned by the user are not current and in good standing
First Time Users-Sign Up
1. Login to the ABB Mobile App on your device.
2. Under Menu select Deposit Check
3. Sign Up-Enter the required Information.
4. When you receive an email message that your account is active, you may begin using the ABB Mobile Deposit Service.
You will receive notification via email from Anderson Brothers Bank whether the check image you have submitted for deposit is approved, adjusted, or has been voided.
Depositing a Check using Mobile Deposit
1. Login to the ABB Mobile App
2. Under Menu choose Deposit Check or select Deposit Check from the Dashboard
3. Choose Deposit a Check
4. Enter the amount-Continue
o Verify the entered check amount matches the amount on the check.
o You can check your deposit limits by selecting deposit limits under the amount field.
5. Choose the account
6. Take a photo of the Check Front
o When taking the check photo, use a well-lit area to ensure that the check image is captured correctly.
o When taking the photo, lay the check on a flat, dark colored surface.
o All four corners of the check need to be visible in the photo.
7. Take a photo of the Check Back
o Checks must be endorsed with For mobile deposit only, the Payee’s signature and your deposit account number
8. Submit